Generative Adversarial Networks

\(\color{red}{\text{ Draft: Work in Progress..... }}\)

  • GAN consist of two competing models striving to outdo each other: the Generator and Discriminator models.

  • The Generator takes in random input and tries to generate real data (curves, images, texts, ).

  • The Discriminator is a binary classifier. It takes, as its input, the fake data generated by the Generator, and the real dataset and learn to tell whether the data is real or fake.

  • Through back propagation, the Generator updates its parameters using the output from the Discriminator.

  • The two models are trained simultaneously with the aim that the continuous competition will help produce data that is indistinguishable from the real data.


Given the objective function:

\[ \min_{G} \max_{D} F(G, D) = \log(D(x; \phi)) + \log(1- D( x^{'}; \phi)) \]


  • $ z \sim p_{z}(z) $ is a random sample from distribution $ p_{z}(z) $

  • $ x^{’} = G(z; ) $
  • $ x $ is the real data from distribution $ p_{d}(x) $

  • Generator minimizes $ $ by maximazing log $ p(y= true|x^{’}) $
  • Discriminator maximizes by maximizing log \(p(y= fake|x^{'})\) and $ p(y= true|x) $

The models are trained simultaneously with the goal of obtaining a Nash equilibrium.
